P. 17
In his book, The Giza Power Plant – Technol-
ogies Of Ancient Egypt, Christopher Dunn
Could argues that the world-famous Pyramids
of Giza were not tombs – they were power
Pyramids plants that allowed the ancient Egyptians
to use electricity as we do today.
really be Crazy? Not really – especially when you
look at the many other pyramids and sim-
an ancient power ilar struc
A huge part of the evidence offered as
proof of the Ancient Astronaut theory is
the wealth of megalithic structures and
buildings all over the planet. Buildings that tures that are being discovered around the
because of their sheer size and precision world with the Bosnian and Arctic Pyra-
“laser-straight” dimensions and cuts into mids being just two other examples, and
solid rocks of various kinds, have led many indeed the seeming benefits of the Pyramid
to suggest electricity was not only available structure itself, it seems at least possible.
in ancient and pre-historic times, but it was Certainly no crazier than thinking the an-
utilized. cient Egyptians and other civilizations alike
really did build those terrific structures us-
Of course, that electricity has to come from ing wooden logs, ropes, and no more tech-
somewhere – there has to be a “power nology than their bare hands!
plant” of sorts to generate and distribute it. For now, we will leave the “how the Pyra-
So could the Pyramids of Giza, ultimately, mids were built” question and look purely if
have been exactly that? there is a case for them being ancient pow-
In our article on Edgar Cayce, he stated that er plants. Their location for example, right
the ancient Egyptian civilization was essen- next to the great River Nile, would have
tially started by those that escaped from provided an ample water supply needed
Atlantis – if we for one moment assume to produce electricity. The outside of the
that Atlantis was a real and advanced so- Pyramids were “encased” within white tufa
ciety that was lost in some disaster or an- limestone that was so precisely and tightly
other, then it is safe to assume if there were fitted not even a razor blade could fit be-
survivors they would have knowledge of tween any of the huge blocks. White tufa
such technology and would use it to rebuild limestone has high insulating properties
their society. and does not contain magnesium – this