P. 13


        In 1857, Auguste  Mariette,  founder  of the            Khafre in line 13, it was he who was respon-
        Egyptian Museum in Cairo, unearthed the                 sible for the excavation and therefore the
        much later Inventory Stela (estimated to be             Sphinx must predate Khafre and his prede-

        from the Twenty-sixth Dynasty of Egypt, c.              cessors—possibly Dynasty IV, c. 2575–2467
        664–525 BC), which tells how Khufu came                 BC. English Egyptologist E. A. Wallis Budge
        upon  the  Sphinx, already  buried  in  sand.           agreed that the Sphinx predated Khafre’s
        Although  certain  tracts  on the  Stela  are
        considered  good  evidence,  this  passage              reign, writing in The Gods of the Egyptians
        is widely dismissed as Late Period histori-             (1914): “This marvelous object [the Great
        cal revisionism,a purposeful fake, created              Sphinx] was in existence in the days of Kha-
        by the local priests as an attempt to im-               fre, or Khephren,[b] and it is probable that
        bue the contemporary Isis temple with an                it is a very great deal older than his reign
        ancient history it never had. Such acts be-             and that it dates from the end of the archaic
        came common when religious institutions                 period [c. 2686 BC].” Maspero believed the

        such as temples, shrines and priests’ do-               Sphinx to be “the most ancient monument
        mains  were fighting  for political  attention          in Egypt”.
        and for financial and economic donations.               In 1931 engineers of the Egyptian govern-
        Gaston  Maspero,  the  French  Egyptologist             ment repaired the head of the Sphinx. Part
        and second director  of the  Egyptian  Mu-              of its headdress had fallen off in 1926 due to
        seum in Cairo, conducted a survey of the                erosion, which had also cut deeply into its
        Sphinx in 1886. He concluded that because               neck.
        the Dream Stela showed the cartouche of

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