P. 20
Only now, under the video camera’s intense if not thousands of years. Might the ancient
light, could Dunn see for himself the charred Egyptians have done the same following
and scorched evidence that seemingly sup- this supposed explosion inside the cham-
ported his theory. ber?
Does this then not only prove that the Pyr- Of course, who is to say that the Egyptians
amids at Giza were once working and op- sealed it themselves? Their civilization
erational power plants but does it also ex- came to an end – was essentially wiped out
plain why they were ultimately sealed up? – so might the Pyramids have been sealed
We, after all, have done the same thing with by someone else and if so, why?
Chernobyl for example!
The reactor was sealed under an impen-
etrable metal dome not to be entered for
what will probably be hundreds,