P. 21


                                                     Mystical Experience

                                                         that changed life of

                                                    Napoleon Bonaparte

                                                                essence of Great Pyramids. Napoleon must
                                                                have known something about the places of
                                                                power and egregore of sacred areas. Hav-
                                                                ing a rest in Nazareth, he headed for Cairo.
                                                                After that, he decided to spend one night
                                                                inside the  Great Pyramid of Giza, in the

                                                                chamber of King
                                                                In  the  rectangular room  nearly ten meters
                                                                in length and five meters  in width Napoleon
         Napoleon Bonaparte had been spending one               had been for seven darkest  hours. The  real
         night long inside the Great Pyramid of Giza.           breath of ancient time was penetrated by the
         When several  people  from his surrounding             red boisterous movement of torch light along
         asked what had happened in this place, Na-             with the trembling shadows on the walls. On
         poleon gave unusual answer: ‘If I told you the         the sunrise Napoleon went from the Pyramid.
         truth, you would not believe me!’                      His face was pale and he was really frightened.
         Well, it happened at night of August 1799. Let         Nevertheless, he reached the lifelong ambition
         us remind that one year before in the summer           — to spend a night in the chamber of King like
         more  than thirty  thousand  French soldiers           Alexander the Great did.
         came to Egypt being guided by Bonaparte. Be-           By the way, Napoleon was remarked to copy
         forehand, he had  officially  claimed  that  give      some of the biography facts of the leading his-
         liberation  to  Egypt  from Turkish occupation         torical personalities. For instance, he tried to
         during that had been lasting during three cen-         reconstruct some situations from lives of Al-
         turies. Certainly, Napoleon saw his own profit         exander the Great and Julius Caesar. As you
         blocking free sailing of English people to East-       have already guessed, the glorious command-
         ern colonies.                                          ers went to  certain  eye-opening  experience
         In addition to that, during this trip one of Na-       after  the  night  spent  in  shrine of the  Great
         poleon’s  soldiers  found out  the  mysterious         Pyramid of Giza. Although the total vision was
         stone  called Rosetta.  Furthermore, it  helped        never mentioned by Napoleon to anybody in
         the  scientists  to  decode  Egyptian  hiero-          his  surrounding  there  is  one  interesting  con-
         glyphs. it  made Napoleon to come up with              clusion. Napoleon has seen himself to be one

         the considerations about exciting   spiritual  of the greatest emperors in the world. As his-

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