P. 15


        And  as you  can see  reconstructed  in the             “No wonder they thought their rulers were
        Smithsonian video at the top, one of those              gods.”  Or  did  ancient  Egyptians  see  the
        artisanal tasks was to  polish the monu-                Great Pyramid as a masterpiece of human
        ment’s outer limestone to a gleaming white              engineering, built with the skill and sweat of

        finish that reflected “the powerful Egyptian            thousands of their compatriots?
        sun with a dazzling glare.” Once the pyr-
        amid was completed, “it  must have truly                Who can say. But it’s likely that 19th-cen-
        added to the impression of Giza as a mag-               tury European explorers and artists might
        ical port city, bathed in sunlight,” says ar-           have characterized  things  differently  had
        chaeologist Mark Lehner in the clip.                    the Great  Pyramid  still scattered  the sun
                                                                over the desert like an ancient beacon of
                                                                light instead  of sitting  “dumb,” as Mel-
                                                                ville wrote, stripped of its facade, waiting
                                                                to  have all sorts  of mysterious  meanings
                                                                wrapped around it.

        In  addition to  its  glowing, polished  lime-
        stone sides, “the structure would have like-
        ly been topped with a pyramidion, a cap-
        stone made of solid granite and covered in

        a precious metal like gold,” writes Kottke.

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