P. 6


        The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest and  The Great Pyramid consists of an estimat-
        largest of the three pyramids in the Giza  ed 2.3 million blocks which most believe to-
        pyramid  complex  bordering  present-day  have been transported from nearby quar-
        Giza in Greater Cairo, Egypt. It is the oldest  ries. The Tura limestone used for the casing
        of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World,  was quarried across the river. The largest
        and the only one to  remain                                                   granite  stones in  the

        largely intact.                                                               pyramid,  found  in the
        Based  on a mark in an in-                                                    “King’s”         chamber,
        terior chamber naming the                                                     weigh 25 to 80 tonnes
        work gang and a reference to                 The Great                        and were transport-
        the Fourth Dynasty Egyptian                 Pyramid of                        ed  from Aswan, more
        pharaoh Khufu, Egyptologists                                                  than 800 km (500 mi)
        believe that the pyramid was                   GIZA                           away. Ancient  Egyp-
        built as a tomb over a 10- to                                                 tians  cut  stone  into
        20-year  period  concluding                                                   rough blocks by ham-
        around 2560 BC.                                                               mering grooves  into
        There  are three known                                                        natural stone faces, in-
        chambers inside  the Great                                                    serting wooden wedg-

        Pyramid.  The lowest  cham-                                                   es, then soaking these
        ber is cut into the bedrock upon which the  with water. As the water was absorbed, the
        pyramid was built and was unfinished. The  wedges  expanded,  breaking  off workable
        so-called  Queen’s  Chamber  and King’s  chunks.  Once  the  blocks  were cut,  they
        Chamber are higher up within the pyramid  were carried by boat either up or down the
        structure                                             Nile River to  the pyramid.  It is estimated
                                                              that 5.5 million tonnes of limestone, 8,000
                                                              tonnes of granite (imported from Aswan),

                                                              and 500,000 tonnes of mortar were used
                                                              in the construction of the Great Pyramid.

                                                              Today  tourists  enter the Great  Pyramid
                                                              via the Robbers’ Tunnel, a tunnel purport-
        The main part of the Giza complex is a set  edly created around 820 AD by Caliph al-
        of buildings  that  included  two  mortuary  Ma’mun’s workmen using a battering ram.
        temples  in honour of Khufu (one close  to  The tunnel is cut straight through the ma-
        the pyramid and one near the Nile), three  sonry of the pyramid for approximately 27
        smaller pyramids  for Khufu’s wives, an  metres (89 ft), then turns sharply left to en-
        even smaller “satellite” pyramid, a raised  counter the blocking stones in the Ascend-
        causeway connecting the two temples, and  ing Passage.

        small mastaba tombs for nobles surround-
        ing the pyramid.
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