P. 5
do you Egyp tian pyramidswere not built by large
ontrary to popular depictions, the
groups of slaves or prisoners, many histo-
know? rians say. Egyptians were employed a n d
archeologists estimate the workers would
have had to set a 2.5 to 15 ton block ev-
ery two and a half minutes to finish Khufu’s
pyramid in about 30 years.
Khufu’s pyramid, known The sphinx is a 73.5-meter The sphinx is a 73.5-meter
as the great pyramid of (241 ft.) long monument (241 ft.) long monument
Giza, is the oldest and built during the reign of built during the reign of
largest, rising at 481 feet Khafra. The creature is a Khafra. The creature is a
(146 meters). Archeolo- mythical being commonly mythical being commonly
gists say it was the tall- found in Greek, Egyptian found in Greek, Egyptian
est structure in the world and even South Asian an- and even South Asian an-
for about 3, 800 years. cient architecture. cient architecture.