Page 15 - Amazonia
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Amazonia | 15
Magazine Name 15
The steam is rising from its According to National Geo-
surface giving all living be- graphic poison dart frogs are
ings a warning that they some of the most toxic crea-
shouldn’t even think about tures on Earth. The poison of
taking a dip there. Inter- one little golden poison frog
estingly, scientists haven’t is enough to kill 10 grown
found out the reason of such men. The name of these
The extreme temperature, but beautiful, yet very danger-
Boiling River there’s a theory that it hap- ous frogs comes from the old
In Amazon Rainforest pened because of a drilling tradition of indigenous peo-
Amazon has the longest river company, which accidentally ple of Colombia to tip their
in the world, but few people released gasses from inside blowgun darts with frog’s
know that there’s another the Earth into the river. Lo- poison when hunting. Scien-
river in the Amazon Rainfor- cals disagree, believing that tists are still not 100% sure
est. One of them is called its a place of power. What- about the source of frogs’
‘The Boiling River’ and it has ever the reason, don’t swim poison and they assume that
earned its name, not by a co- there. it comes from their diet.
incidence. It’s literally boiling Poison dart frogs color can
and at times its temperature be black, yellow, red, black,
can be as high as 93 degrees green, copper or blue de-
Celsius. pending on individual habi-
tats. These bright colors help
them to ward off potential
Did you know that
a new species of
animal or plant are found
here every 3 days. On
average, this is more than
double anywhere else on
the Earth outside of the
world’s oceans.