Page 14 - Amazonia
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14 14 | Amazonia
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How much do you know about Amazon Rainforest? The truth is that, even though it’s very im-
portant for the whole of humanity, few people know much about this ancient place which was
formed 55 million years ago.
Let me start with reveal- • About 80% of the devel-
ing the origins of the for- oped world’s organic food
est’s name. It was given originate from Rainfor-
by Francisco Orellana, a ests including Amazonia
Spanish explorer who was
attacked by female warri- • At 6,992 km, the Amazon
ors ‘Tapuyas’ in the forest. is the longest river in the
He clearly saw reminiscence
between this tribe and fe- The Amazon Rainforest is
male warriors Amazons of the world’s richest and most-
Greek mythology and named varied biological reservoir,
this place the Amazon Rain- containing several million
forest. species of insects, plants,
birds, and other forms of
And now some facts to let life, many still unrecorded by
you understand the role of science. The luxuriant veg-
the Amazon Rainforest both etation encompasses a wide
in Earth’s and humanity’s variety of trees, including
life: many species of myrtle, lau-
rel, palm, and acacia, as well
• 20% of oxygen in the as rosewood, Brazil nut, and
world is produced by the rubber tree. Excellent tim-
Amazon Rainforest ber is furnished by the ma-
• The Amazon spans hogany and the Amazonian
across 9 South American cedar. Major wildlife includes
countries: Brazil, Colom- jaguar, manatee, tapir, red
bia, Bolivia, Suriname, deer, capybara and many
Peru, Guyana, Ecuador, other types of rodents, and
Venezuela, and French several types of monkeys. The
Guiana. Rainforest