Page 16 - The Great Wall of China
P. 16

After The Ming Dynasty

            In  the  mid-17th  century,  the  Manchus  from  designated the Great Wall a World Heritage
            central  and  southern  Manchuria  broke  site, and a popular claim that emerged in the
            through the Great Wall and encroached on  20th century holds that it is the only manmade
            Beijing, eventually forcing the fall of the Ming  structure that is visible from space.
            Dynasty and beginning of the Qing Dynasty.
                                                               Over  the  years,  roadways  have  been  cut
            Between  the  18th  and  20th  centuries,  the  through the wall in various points, and many
            Great  Wall  emerged  as  the  most  common  sections have deteriorated after centuries of
            emblem of China for the Western world, and  neglect. The best-known section of the Great
            a symbol both physical – as a manifestation  Wall  of  China  –  Badaling,  located  43  miles
            of  Chinese  strength  –  and  a  psychological  (70  km)  northwest  of  Beijing  –  was  rebuilt
            representation of the barrier maintained by  in the late 1950s, and attracts thousands of
            the Chinese state to repel foreign influences  national and foreign tourists every day.
            and exert control over its citizens.
            Today, the Great Wall is generally recognized
            as  one  of  the  most  impressive  architectural
            feats  in  human  history.  In  1987,  UNESCO

            The Great Wall                                     Ming Great Wall

            At Mutianyu                                        At Simatai

            Near Beijing                                       Overlooking The Gorge

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