Page 17 - Machu Picchu
P. 17
In January 1537, the Spanish troops under the named it as the capital of Incas.
leadership of Hernando Pizarro invaded Ol-
lantaytambo. Their futile attempt to overthrow Downfall of Incas:
the throne of Incas from Ollantaytambo proved
the Incas growing power under the leadership Eventually, Titu Cusi, one of the sons of Man-
of Manco Inca. However, Manco Inca was cer- co Inca and brother of Tupac Yupanqui was
tain that the Spanish troops will invade Ollan- named as the emperor. However, Tupac Amaru
taytambo again, and with more force. This was was known to be more hostile to Spanish rulers.
because of Ollantaytambo close proximity to The fifth Spanish viceroy, Francisco de Toledo
the then Spanish colony, Cusco. Inca Manco sent an envoy. However, Tupac Amaru’s sup-
decided to move to Victos (Rosaspata) an In- porters killed him.
can centre.
This raised tensions between the Spaniards
In the same year in July, Spanish Lieutenant and Incas. In response to the death of the
Rodrigo Orgoñez under the command of Al- Spanish envoy, Francisco de Toledo decided
magro waged a war in Victos. His troops were to put an end to the Inca rule by conquering
successful in occupying and dethroning Incas. Vilcabamba. He ordered Martin Hurtado de
However, Manco Inca managed to escape. Arbieto, the veteran conquistador to end the
Inca rule. On 24th of June, 1572. Martin Hur-
Huayna Pukara War: tado de Arbieto along with his troops invaded
Vilcabamba. Martin Hurtado de Arbieto wrote
The Spanish troops led by Gonzalo Pizarro in his account of the campaign that “ At 10’
and his 300 troops invaded Huyana Fort in in the morning they marched into the city of
1539. Huayna Pukara or Huayana Fort is 22 Vilcabamba, all on foot, for it is the most wild
kilometres from Vilcabamaba. Many Incas and and rugged country, in no way suitable for
Spanish soldiers lost their life but Manco Inca horses.” What they discovered was a city built
managed to escape. Gonzalo Pizarro stayed “for about a thousand fighting Indians, besides
back in the region for over two months with a many other women, children, and old people”
determination of capturing Manco Inca. How- filled with “four hundred houses.”
ever, he was unsuccessful but captured Manco
Inca’s first wife, Cura Ocllo. Spanish troops led by Martin Hurtado de Ar-
bieto, were successful in capturing Vilcabam-
After many futile attempts, the Spanish rules ba and the last Inca Monarch, Tupac Amaru.
withdrew the search. As this was only possible September the 24th, 1572, marked the dreadful
with massive expenditure and after three con- day of Incas. The Spaniards beheaded Tupac
sequent wars the Spanish did not have enough Amaru in Plaza De Armas (Main Square of
resources to do more invasions. Cusco), in front of the Cathedral of Santo Do-
Raise of Espiritu Pampa:
Back in Vilcabamba, Manco Inca was certain
that the Spanish troops will not attempt to
wage more war to capture Vilcabamaba and
the Spanish rulers were content with the victo-
ry of Victos. Manco Inca, found Vilcabamba as
an ideal place to seek refuge. Manco Inca then
built Espiritu Pampa (Plain of the Spirits) and
17 / SEPT 2016 / ISSUU 08