Page 8 - Amazonia
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8 8   |   Amazonia
              Magazine Name

                             THE YAGUAS

                                               carvings to tourists, as well     this initial confusion. Other
                                               as jewelry, dolls, and colorful   traditional  garb  includes  a
                                               masks.                            red dye made from berries

                                               In  preparation  for  festivals,   that is painted on the skin.
                                               the  Yagua  make  masato,         Around the turn of the cen-
                                               an alcohol made from fer-         tury, Amazon people began
                                               mented yucca root. To make        to get involved in the ex-
                                               the yucca the right consist-      port of rubber plants from
                                               ency, they chew the pulp          the jungle. This is often cit-
                                               prior to the fermenting pro-      ed as the time the Yagua
                                               cess. When you visit, you         and other native Amazo-
                                               may have the opportunity          nians developed a connec-
             there are some 6,000 Yagua living in north-eastern   to see atunas, traditional   tion with the modern world.
             Peru and southern Colombia, in 30 communities   dances performed to a drum   Since then, assimilation into
             along the Amazon
                                               beat that has reverberated        the surrounding Peruvian
            While you’re visiting the Am-      throughout the Amazon for         culture has become increas-
            azon Basin near Iquitos, you       many generations.                 ingly common. Yagua is one
            have the chance to encoun-         Many members of the tribe         of the few native Amazonian
            ter one the Amazon’s native        still wear traditional clothing   languages that has made it
            tribes, the Yagua. With only       made  of  palm  fiber.  Yagua     to the 21st century. Although
            4,000  to 6,000  members           men traditionally wear grass      smaller in size, the Yagua
            left, meeting the Yagua is         skirts, a garment that made       tribe persists – some of the
            a rare opportunity and the         the Spanish arrivals mistake      Yagua still only speak their
            best way to get an idea of         them for women, specifically      native tongue, and there are
            what the original face of the      the legendary Amazon wom-         still children who grow up
            Amazon looks like.                 en. To this day, we refer to      speaking only Yagua.

            Some Yagua communities             it as the Amazon because of
            are willing to have tourists
            come to the villages and ob-
            serve the traditions that they
            have carried into the 21st
            century. Outsiders are fasci-
            nated by the Yagua’s use of
            blow darts. The Yagua still
            use blow darts to hunt for
            their meals in the Amazon
            jungle. The darts are made
            from carved wood, dipped in
            poison extracted from a vine.
            The Yagua sometimes enter-
            tain visitors with blow dart
            demonstrations. They sell
            blow darts and other wood
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